Dodge City, KS

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lets the Hech into Dodge!!!

Today we arrived in Dodge City, Kansas the famous gun slinging town of the west from Gunsmoke and also the metal packing capital of the US. Our day couldn't have started better with an awesome breakfast from the comfort inn where I ate entirely too much including an English muffin, yogurt, a waffle, and a banana-nut muffin.

Once on the road we faced a strong head wind all day but managed to complete the majority of our ride before 10 AM, we were all feeling the heat from the road as it continues to get hotter earlier everyday.

Saw this cool Dodge City sign on our way in and had to take a photo!

We arrived at Arrowhead to a very warm welcome from all the clients, Arrowhead is an organization that works with people with disabilities here in Dodge City. We ate lunch together and then played bingo for some of the afternoon. The team also had the opportunity to watch a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new gazebo funded by Push America.

Lunch with everyone!

For some reason the camera is handling inside photos well (probably user error). Here are some more photos, unfornately they're blurry but better than nothing.

This evening we visited boot hill which is a living museum of Dodge City and had an opportunity to visit the museum, a saloon with a musical, and an awesome dinner that really hit the spot. All of this was sponsored by a Grandmother of a Pi Alpha, Donna, who also made homemade cinnamon rolls and brought us fresh fruit for breakfast tomorrow.

The meal and evening really energized us for what is sure to be a tough ride tomorrow if Kansas holds true to its windy reputation.


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