Moutain ride and New Ride

Friday, July 30, 2010

Yesterday I went out with the Fort Payne Cycling Club for a mountain ride at Desoto State Park. I managed to get in about 11 miles for the evening which was good. I'm toying with the idea of doing the Fools Gold 50 mountain bike race, but not sure if I'm fit enough for it. I got my Garmin 310XT back about a month ago after Garmin decided to replace my watch because it essentially crashed and gave me a boot menu. The details from yesterdays ride are below:

Thursdays group mountain bike ride.

I also picked up a new ride a few weeks ago. I used to have a Jeep Wrangler when I was in high school but opted for a car that could make the commute back and forth more easily. The new car meant my old rack wouldn't work anymore so I picked up a Thule 916XT T2.

My new whip!

New new 2" Rugged Ridge hitch.

Thule 916XT T2



Thursday, July 29, 2010

I had this clever idea of posting why cycling hasn't been a priority in my life over the past 4 months and how I've been busy focusing on other things like graduating college, moving to Alabama, or starting a new job. I realized that these are simply all excuses, and bad ones at that for why I have been lazy, worthless, and out of shape.

It's not that I haven't been on the bike....It's that I haven't been on the bike very often. I have however been on the in plural. In May after graduating college, I finally gave into the temptation of purchasing a new ride, I bought a mountain bike.

Updated!Picture coming soon.
2010 Specialized Epic Comp.

My fitness is gone and I'm starting from the bottom once again, but with an end goal in mind this time...not saying what that is yet but there's one, it involves the word elite and the state of Florida.

To prove I haven't been as lazy as everyone out there in blogger land may thing, here are a few rides from the past few weeks...but really it's like all of my rides from the past few weeks.

Thursday Night Mountain Bike Group Rides. Desoto State Park

My second week group ride with the Fort Payne Cycling Club

My first ride with the Fort Payne Cycling Club

Yesterday evening I went out with the intention of getting in a longer ride. I planned on at least 50 but more in the neighborhood of 65-70. I had planned my route so I could fill water at gas stations along the way and was making good time at just under ~20 avg. for the first hour when I heard that sound that we all know.


The result after hearing a deafening POW!!!

Maybe it was but I didn't think this one was ridable and didn't want to waste two tubes and 2 CO2's to find out!

Yup, shredded my tire and having moved to a new area I had very few people to call, fortunately one of the guys that I've recently been riding with from the Fort Payne Cycling Club drove the 20 miles from town to pick my lame butt up.

Well I didn't get too far, but the first 20 miles of my ride.

Feels good to be back...kinda.

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