Oxford, Ohio

Monday, August 3, 2009

Today was smooth easy day on the bike which sometimes makes me wonder if we're really in for it the next few days on the bike because it went too smoothly.

I was in a fast paceline and we moved quick for most of the morning. By 11:00 we were about 10 miles ahead of the other pacelines and forced to wait for the others to catch up before we could go further ahead. Part of the reason for the large gap between pacelines was our good luck with flats for the day, and also the two ride alongs that joined us. One of the ride alongs was a crew member, JT who had never bike longer than 30 miles but was convinced that he could do a century and wanted to prove to everyone he could. All of us really doubted him because he is a fond user of tobacco products and we didn't think he was physically fit enough to to it. When he finished the ride today at 88 miles he said he was happy he completed the ride but wish it had been the full 100, his paceline stepped up and decided to make laps around campus and the stadium until he hit his 100 mark, what a trooper!

Our crew chief set up lunch for us and we all ate and took a nap waiting for the rest of the pace lines to get there. We all enjoyed the leftovers and desserts we've acquired throughout the trip and even took part in an AMP challenge which involved shotgunning an energy drink before riding the remaining 20 some miles.

AMP Challenge!!!

We arrived at Miami of Ohio university around 1:30 and showered up at the Pi Kapp house. Today I was a road marshall which meant I was responsible for scouting tomorrows route after our ride so we took a van and drove the first part of the ride to verify the direction and check road and shoulder conditions.

Eta Upsilon

The brothers of the Eta Upsilon chapter really went all out for us and prepared the feast of all feasts including possibly the largest steak I've ever eaten as well as potatoes, bread, and a bomb salad which we felt we earned after our 90 miles ride for the day.

We closed out the evening with a trip to the local theatre and saw the new release Funny People with Seth Rogen and some other famous actors. The movie truly lived up to its name and really was quite hilarious, a long walk back to lodging put us in around 12:30, just enough time to get our mandatory 6 hours of sleep before tomorrows cake 32 mile ride.


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