Weekend Recap - Preparing to Move

Monday, December 13, 2010

Four days are all that remain between me and 2011. No, I’m not confused about the date, …I know it’s the 13th of December and there are 18 days until 2011 technically, for me however there are four more days as an Alabama resident, and therefore four days until 2011. The rest will simply be absorbed into the blur that is the holidays; eating, driving, presents, did I mention eating? But before 2011 can begin, I must move, and moving means lots and lots of packing and boxes.

The weekend began Friday night with the town Christmas parade. I really appreciate small town parades, last year Michelle and I watched the Blacksburg parade, and this year was much of the same…except in Fort Payne…and minus Michelle. I didn’t really grab as many pictures as last year but I did manage this one of Santa in the bucket of the fire truck.

Pretty blurry and terrible iPhone4 picture, but it's all I have.

Saturday morning I headed north to Chattanooga to pick up some bike boxes. The Trek Store in Chattanooga is really neat and was kind enough to hold onto some boxes for me. I met the owner and assistant manager there who both used to work for Trek in Madison, WI; of course I had tons of questions for them and they assured me it’s a great place to work.

I brought home all the Jeep could handle, even still only had 1 extra.

After picking up the boxes I couldn’t resist stopping by Rembrandts for what may be my last trip to one of my favorite coffee shops ever, the usual French Toast and white mocha latte later, I was prepared to head back and conquer the beast of packing up The Bike Room.

My "Go To" meal at Rembrandt's.

Several hours of disassembling and bubble wrapping later, I had finished packing all of my bikes, spare frames, and misc. parts. I knew I had a lot of crap, but was taken back by how much stuff there really was. The move to Florida and a smaller place may require some downsizing of stuff which I think will be healthy and cleansing for me.

200 Ft. of Bubble wrap; of course I had to pop some for fun.

My reward for packing was ironically, unpacking. I ordered the Withings Wi-Fi scale last Monday night and it arrived Thursday afternoon thanks to Amazon Prime (although not really 2-Days Amazon Prime…tisk tisk!). I was excited to play with it and set it up, but wanted to do the unpacking justice and setting up the scale symbolizes the end of 2010, and the strict undertaking I’m holding myself to in 2011, so…needless to say I was avoiding it. So after packing for most of Saturday I finally got around to unpacking my new scale.

I had wanted a scale for quite a long time; I waited, researched, and finally decided on the Withing’s scale instead of the Tanita BC-1000 I originally was considering (I waited a little under 11 months). I hope to have more to say about it once I’ve been using it for a while.

Sunday was much of the same, except that while I was inside packing, outside it was SNOWING! Now for me I usually don’t get this excited about snow, but I didn’t expect to see snow in Alabama and with my Florida move imminent, the likelihood of snow in my future is pretty faint.

The Jeep's first snow, unfortunately it will not be seeing much of that.

Flurries. Eventually it accumulated to a dusting, which proved to be enough to cancel school.

A solid last weekend in Fort Payne, AL. All that's left are 4 days at work


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