Errands such and the Like

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Monday, another beginning to a very long week, one less week until I graduate; you may even go as far as to call it Manic.

Blacksburg continues to be slammed with winter weather which I don't mind too much until I need to get my car out to run errands and get to TriAdventure practice, and then it becomes a real pain. I decided to make the best of the situation (deciding not to dig my car out) and hopped on my bike. The main roads were pretty descent and the first stop on the list was the bank to deposit some moolah.

Quality Parking at BOA

Bundled Up for the elements, and rocking my sweet neon Brooks

Next it was across the street to my realtor to collect some moolah, funny cause it usually works the other way but I'm not complaining. After that it was time to head to Blacksburg High School to run on the track for TriAdventure practice.

Garmin data from running errands around town, 5 mile warm-up for my run

The only problem is that when I got to the track, which they're usually pretty good about clearing off (apparently, I've only run once there once this winter, last week, and it was cleared then) it looked like this:

Blacksburg High School Track
Wishing I had my Yaktrax
We decided to run on the road and after about 5 minutes of no sidewalks and running in a group of inexperienced runners, I decided I was better running at the track so I detoured a bit and ran back to the track to complete my 2.5 miles, wishing I had thought to bring my Yaktrax.

All of these pics are with the Blackberry, as I still haven't purchased a "tough" p&s, they came out pretty well though for a camera phone.

After practice it was a cold and miserable ride home as the sweat that I had built up running made for an almost unbearable ride on the bike.

A quick dethaw in the shower and I was off to the weekly cycling team meeting, where we talked about the upcoming race weekend at N.C. State, but not before picking up my well earned dinner at Moes.


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