Denver-Mile High City!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today we had a short 30 mile ride from Boulder into Denver, the mile high city. We woke up early even though we had a short ride because we were meeting up with the north team who was riding in from Empire. The ride was cake and we arrived at Invesco field (where the Denver Broncos play) the meeting point for the two teams by 8:30 AM. The north team had a 50 mile ride and wasn't scheduled to arrive until 10 AM so we had time to take off our shoes and relax before their arrival.

Invesco Field on the ride in

Once the north team arrived Danny, Matt, and I had time to catch up with the three Virginia Tech guys on the north route. We had a police escort into the capital but before we got back on the bikes we had a very special tour of the stadium.

North and Trans together, plus friends and family!

Check out the Jumbotron!

Tech guys reunite!

Several Pi Alpha's chipped in and got everyone Chipotle for lunch which we all wolfed down in a matter of minutes and then quickly got on the bikes and prepared for our ride into the city, a five pound burrito is not recommended before riding.

We had an awesome arrival at the capital building with media and several speakers, after which everyone "fraternized" and told stories of our trip so far.

This was the first time the team was split up on the trip for lodging with half of us being in the Marriot Courtyard, and the other half in the Marriot Residence Inn. Having a bed is awesome and the hotel staff was awesome providing us valet parking for two days.

We had the afternoon to clean up and see the city, I decided to go get a hair cut...and boy did I get it cut. It's all gone but it grows back and it was a fun thing to do.


At 5 we loaded up the vans with our bikes and headed to Pedal for Pennies a program sponsored by special olympics Denver that pairs cyclist with special olympic athletes and ride laps around a lake together.
Pedal for Pennies

Afterwards we had dinner and then had a dance with the atheletes. This friendship visit was really incredible, where else could you find 60+ guys on one knee singing to two girls every word of "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet Boys. The evening was incredible and Denver has been my favorite stop so far!!!


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